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For Urological Cancer Treatment, Get in touch with us..

Urologic cancers (or tumours of the urinary system) may be connected to environmental, lifestyle, genetic, and other factors. The methods for identifying and treating urologic malignancies have evolved over time, and patients now have a variety of options to choose from based on their goals and needs.

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Urologic Cancer Types, Stages, & Treatments

Cancers that originate in the reproductive or urinary tract organs of males are collectively referred to as urologic cancers. The four most typical examples:

The prostate, urinary bladder, kidney, or renal pelvis, and testis are all potential locations for the development of cancer. 

Symptoms: Changes in urine and sexual function may be among the symptoms, however these can vary depending on the kind of cancer.

Treatment: Surgical procedures, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and even immunotherapy are all forms of treatment.

Types: Includes urology, a program for urologic and oncologic diseases, and a program for prostate and urologic malignancies.

Other sites include the following:

  • the penis, 
  • the ureter, and 
  • the urethra respectively. 

Cancer is caused by rapid and abnormal cell proliferation. Urologic malignancies affect the male and female urinary systems, as well as the male reproductive system.

These types of cancer are fairly prevalent. Our experts at Cure Stone treat all facets of urologic malignancies.

Urologic Cancers Can Take Many Forms

The following are some examples of different forms of urologic malignancies, which are named after the structures that they affect:

  1. Cancer of the urinary bladder affects the cells that line the urinary bladder, which is a tiny sac that stores urine before it is expelled from the body. Each year, around 71,000 people in the United States are given a diagnosis with bladder cancer by medical professionals.
  2. Cancer of the kidney, also known as renal cancer, develops in the tiny tubes that the kidneys use to filter blood. Cancer of the renal pelvis is a highly uncommon variant of this illness. This condition manifests itself in the portion of the kidney that is connected to the bladder. On average, around 49,100 instances of renal and renal pelvis cancer are identified each year by medical professionals.
  3. Cancer of the testis, which is known more commonly as testicular cancer, accounts for only one percent of all cancers that affect men. Around 8,400 new cases are identified by medical professionals in the United States each year.
  4. Penile cancer is rare. The penis, or the male reproductive organ, which is a component of the urinary system, is impacted by this condition.
  5. Cancer of the urethra develops in the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the exterior of the body. This tube is known as the urethra. In males, the urethra passes through the penis, which is responsible for transporting semen. Cancer of the urethra is extremely uncommon, and its incidence is higher in men than in women.

Why Should You Choose Cure Stone for Cancer Treatment in the Urinary Tract?

At Cure Stone, we provide:

  • You are given a treatment that is individualized, evidence-based, and targeted to the type and stage of urologic cancer you have.
  • At each and every stage of treatment, our surgical, medical, and radiation oncologists, along with nutritionists, pain specialists, and other medical professionals, provide comprehensive care with compassion.
  • Through participation in clinical trials, you have access to more advanced treatments for urologic cancer. It’s possible that you won’t discover these therapies anywhere else.

Why Cure Stone ?

At Cure Stone, a team of experts with diverse medical backgrounds works together to improve the success rate of kidney transplants.

Many of the operations our doctors have pioneered, such as kidney transplants using living donors and transplants performed before dialysis was necessary, were first performed by us.

Kidney transplant specialists at Cure Stone have extensive experience with even the most complex procedures, including those involving an ABO incompatible donor or recipient, a positive crossmatch, or a paired donation.


What does scar tissue feel like in the abdomen?

When you have abdominal adhesions, you usually feel pain around your belly button that feels like cramps, followed by a swollen abdomen. With obstruction, symptoms may get worse. Most of the time, adhesions in the abdomen are caused by surgery.

  • Bladder cancer.
  • Cancer of the kidney (renal).

The prostate, the urinary bladder, the kidney or renal pelvis, and the testis are the four places where cancer is most often found. The penis, ureter, and urethra are also possible sites. The most common type of urologic cancer in men of all races and ethnicities is prostate cancer.

Symptoms are:

  • Blood in the urine is called hematuria. This can make the urine look bright red or like cola, but sometimes the urine looks fine and a lab test finds blood.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Painful urination.
  • Back pain.